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Les solidarités entre générations
Les solidarités entre générations
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ISBN-13: 9782802741572
L&rsquo;ampleur des enjeux humains, &eacute;conomiques et sociaux pos&eacute;s par la question des solidarit&eacute;s entre g&eacute;n&eacute;rations a conduit l&rsquo;International society of Family Law (ISFL) &agrave; choisir ce th&egrave;me pour son XVe congr&egrave;s mondial.<br />Plus de 200 intervenants, venus de 50 pays, ont abord&eacute; ces questions sous l&rsquo;angle juridique, mais aussi philosophique, &eacute;conomique et anthropologique. Cet ouvrage pr&eacute;sente une partie de ces communications organis&eacute;es autour de deux grands th&egrave;mes : l&rsquo;enfant au c&oelig;ur des solidarit&eacute;s familiales et la prise en charge des a&icirc;n&eacute;s par la famille.<br />Des ph&eacute;nom&egrave;nes tels que l&rsquo;allongement de la dur&eacute;e de la vie, l&rsquo;urbanisation des populations, la difficult&eacute; d&rsquo;entr&eacute;e sur le march&eacute; du travail ou encore l&rsquo;&eacute;clatement des mod&egrave;les familiaux traditionnels marquent notre monde contemporain et impliquent la disparition d&rsquo;anciennes solidarit&eacute;s et l&rsquo;apparition de nouvelles solidarit&eacute;s redessinant les relations entre g&eacute;n&eacute;rations, posant alors le probl&egrave;me du sort des personnes les plus fragiles : les enfants, les malades, les handicap&eacute;s et, surtout, les personnes &acirc;g&eacute;es.<br />&ndash; Quel est alors le r&ocirc;le de la famille et des collectivit&eacute;s dans la protection de ces personnes ?<br />&ndash; Quels rapports entre solidarit&eacute;s publiques et solidarit&eacute;s priv&eacute;es ?<br />&ndash; Quels sont les droits et libert&eacute;s reconnus aux personnes que l&rsquo;&acirc;ge, la maladie ou le handicap, placent en situation de d&eacute;pendances ?<br />Telles sont les questions au c&oelig;ur de cet ouvrage.<br /><br />The importance of the human, economic and social issues caused by the question of generations&rsquo; solidarities led the International Society of Family Law to choose this theme for its XVIth World Congress (Lyon, July 19-23rd 2011). More than 200 speakers from 50 countries studied these questions from the legal angle, but also philosophic, economic and anthropological. This work collects a part of these papers about two great issues: the child, as the center of family solidarities; and the support for elders by family.<br />Phenomena such as increasing life expectancy, population urbanization, labor-market entry barriers, decline of traditional family patterns, mark in depth our contemporary world and involve old solidarity disappearance and new solidarity emergence, reshaping relations between generations while bringing up the problem of the fate of the most vulnerable: children, the sick, disabled, and especially elderly people.<br />&ndash; What then is the role of families and communities in protecting these people?<br />&ndash; What is the relationship between public and private solidarity?<br />&ndash; What are the rights and freedoms of people placed by age, illness or disability in a dependence situation?<br />These are the issues addressed by the authors of this book.